Impact of Internet of Things on Marketing

Arch G. Woodside & Suresh Sood (2016): Vignettes in the two-step arrival of the internet of things and its reshaping of marketing management’s service-dominant logic, Journal of Marketing Management, DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2016.1246748

Keywords : innovation, IoT, marketing management, consumer behavior

In this article, the authors introduce the Internet of Things and their impacts on marketing. It is interesting to consider the fact that even though consumers are willing to be connected, they actually do not participate in the IoT revolution that is happening (we do not take into account smart phones). Benefits in the evolution of these technical advances in smart devices are huge and growing very fast as we expect the IoT revolution to be in our day-to-day lives by 2025.

Perspectives of marketing, sales and advertising are changing and it is becoming a real challenge for marketers which has to focus necessarily on the interactions and consumer experiences of the IoT. New practices came out of this, and marketers must adapt. The integration of design thinking methods (Brown, 2009; Louridas, 1999; Pattinson & Sood, 2010) into marketing activities represents a major step in these new opportunities.

Beyond these new practices that must become obvious for marketers, marketing skills especially for IoT are changing. These new skills needed for marketers are an association of design, psychology and cognitive science.

The responsibilities and as a consequence the role of the product manager highly changes with IoT.  We must take into account the product and experience that emerges from it in order to integrate in with the touch points of key consumers. This is going to be key in IoT, and building automating customer journeys will continue changing the marketers roles and responsibilities.



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