Four Questions Guide Web Mobile Content Management Plans

Author(s) : Stephen Powers

Four Questions Guide Web Mobile Content Management Plans 
In our modern world, we are all connected. With our devices we have an access online to go on the internet or make works mobile application. The companies who developed a website or software try to satisfy the entire world. They needs a different web content management strategies, optimize the works on different channel. Make a choice between mobile web and mobile application. Choose an optimal presentation for you website (template, CSS, script). 
The growing mobile world disrupts content management processes
Content and collaboration professionals rethink their processes and tools. The mobile experience of developer can be used to make a correct full screen on all devices and different navigator and application.
Designing and delivering mobile content will require new skills, processes, and in some cases, technology. WCM vendors have no universal approach to mobile support. Every vendor develops their UI (user interface).

The splinternet: A journey from one to many channels
In the U.S. there are 79 million people who have a different vision of the Internet with the use of multiple devices


 More and more company choose a responsive templates not to waste time in content adaptation
Start with four questions to guide your mobile content planning
For a good mobile content planning, C&C pros should recreate a new strategy linked with the WCM strategies under considering 4 questions: 

Mobile web or mobile application?

According the source of Forrester Research, it points out, there are more consumers regularly access the mobile internet and the more the apps downloaded. The question asked today for C&C pros is how to deliver content to a website and the same time to an app. With experiences in applied apps by the companies, it should emphatically develop the content-based apps to better improving the using mobile Web.

Device-specific versus device-agnostic?
Realize to create the presentations for each device-type to support mobile web in using WCM.  Based on pros and cons of the device-specific and the device-Agnostic, it must understand, by example, how to control the number of template by device-agnostic, maintain presentation and brand consistency between device-agnostic and device-specific, and utilize device-specific characteristics.

Presentation Templates: Families versus Logic

On the level of the families of presentations templates and the presentations templates through logic, the logic works better when there are fewer variations between presentations and developers. And the family is more suitable for power and business users when there is a greater number of variations in presentations.

WCM Vendors and Dedicated Mobile Vendors Support Mobile Content Initiatives
Besides the functionality which is being offered by WCM vendors, allows companies to manager the traditional web and mobile web in the same content management and development environment. Companies can also use various methods likes XML content and transformation automatic published website to develop theirs mobiles websites. The advantage to dedicate WCM mobile tools makes company leverage development knowledge and processes already in place for supporting traditional web. But it is not all portions of website can be delivered via a single WCM.

First you must thinking about multichannel content management rather than WCM, and you need to design channel-agnostic content processes and architectures. This is the foundation when you will develop your content of your website, it will stay the same architectures. There will be no conflict.
Don’t forget Separating content from presentation, the idea is to use a less real estate and bandwidth to make grow up your web content. Use HTML5 to auto transformation capabilities.
The site should be easy to change for a minimum investment and it quickly adapts to new device without changing all the work compatibility

Bibliography of Stephen Powers, 2011

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