Influential Factors of Online Advertising on Buying Behavior of Tablet Customers

Reference: Derogar, Z., & Askari, R.(2013) Influential Factors of Online Advertising on Buying Behavior of Tablet Customers in Academic Journal of Research in Business & Accounting, 1(4), 25-32

Main idea: The role of internet in the buying decision process of tablet customers.


In this article, the authors try to find a relationship between the buyer behaviors of tablet customers with the type of advertisement found online, and if in the case of a purchase made online, what influenced and pushed the tablet customer in purchasing the product or service. The main goal of advertisements is to persuade people to buy the certain product or service and online advertisements are not that far from also being a persuasion tool for people to consume and engage in online-buying. Online advertisements started to appear as early as companies started to be present online, and it gave them the chance to be present everywhere for more customer interaction and satisfaction. When companies first started to appear on the internet, their main advertising tool to get people’s awareness and attention was by sending emails. Nowadays, however, things have changed, where we can find online ads almost everywhere, whether on internet sites, on game sites, video sites, social media sites, and even online magazines.

This article tries to answer the question: “what is the role of internet in the buying decision process?” This paper will focus on effective factors of online advertising on buying behaviors of tablet customers. It highlights the relationship between ads and positive brand attitude towards the brand which might increase buying potential and create a positive stimulus when faced with this certain ad. Moreover, not only is the ad itself and the content important, but the trust people have towards the message conveyed by the online ad. Perceived information would cause mental engagement with the product and more involvement with the product which will lead the person towards the purchasing intention. Brief descriptions of tablet benefit are stated at the end of this article and a comparison between the three most well-known tablets of today: the iPad, the Samsung tablets, and the Asus. The main benefit of purchasing tablets is their ease of use and size that can be carried around easily as well as their credibility in usage and performance.